乔布斯这道坎这事一定会带来很多争议,因为革掉手机触控笔命的,正是已经封神的乔布斯。2007年,苹果公司创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)介绍第一代iPhone时曾打趣说,“没人想要智能手机上再带根触控笔”。也正是因此,苹果才抛弃了按压式屏幕,发明出更先进的电容屏,并引领了手机行业的革命。
Everybody knows Alibaba was founded in 1999, and the world tried a new thing, called the Internet. And our founder, Jack Ma, famous Jack Ma, paid a visit to Seattle. It was the first time he saw the internet on a PC. He searched and found some beers, globally. Then he had an idea. Why not go back to China and help Chinese businesses use this Internet to get trading opportunities all over the world. If people can search the Internet, people can find things globally. So why can’t we show all the Chinese products online, so China can have more exporting opportunities. Because, at that time, it was just the beginning of the WTO for China. China just opened its door and joined the WTO’s big family, and Chinese exporters wanted more opportunity to go outside China. So, that’s the beginning. I think to think about the opportunity, how to use something new to resolve today’s problem, to give the opportunity to a particular group of clients is the beginning of innovation.