其中,5G RAN解决方案主要针对5G基站建设,包含“全频段、全场景、全业务”的产品和技术,将帮助运营商应对工程安装、站点获取困难、频谱碎片化等痛点,快速实现“室内外双千兆”极致体验,建成无处不在的5G网络。华为这次还推出5G Power 2.0解决方案,聚焦站点能源的“功率”和“备电”,帮助运营商实现极简部署,极简演进,高效节能。据介绍,目前全球超过50%的5G站点在中国。
“特朗普主义是‘我们是美国,碧池’”。这就是特朗普主义。It struck me almost immediately that this was the most acute, and attitudinally honest, description of the manner in which members of Trump’s team, and Trump himself, understand their role in theworld.
Trumpian chaos is, in fact, undergirded by a comprehensible worldview, a number of experts have insisted. The Brookings Institution scholar (and frequentAtlantic contributor)Thomas Wrightargued ina January 2016 essaythat Trump’s views are both discernible and explicable. Wright, who published his analysis at a time when most everyone in the foreign-policy establishment considered Trump’s candidacy to be a farce, wrote that Trump loathes the liberal international order and would work against it as president; he wrote that Trump also dislikes America’s military alliances, and would work against them; he argued that Trump believes in his bones that the global economy is unfair to the U.S.; and, finally, he wrote that Trump has an innate sympathy for “authoritarianstrongmen.”