事后再看这些问题,显得异常容易。但在当时,现实却是非常残酷的。20世纪90年代对于像Geoff一样的神经网络研究者而言,是最黑暗的时刻。Geoff早期的理论工作创造出了智能的火花,但数据和算力的匮乏却阻碍了这些深度学习系统展示出更优秀的性能。随着科研经费消耗殆尽,许多神经网络研究者将自己的工作转移到了其他领域。然而,面对黯淡而又浮躁的科研资助环境,Geoff依然作为少数研究者(其他关键性研究者包括Yann LeCun和Yoshua Bengio)坚持了下来,不懈地将神经网络方法继续向前推进。
期货市场的影响力还是很小众,国际影响力还很不够。但是从国内来说,从计划经济转到市场经济的过程中期货市场给了市场经济的前进的动力,是市场经济的急先锋。责任编辑:吴化章参考消息网1月1日报道 日媒称,中国政府将从2019年1月起,对于通过网购方式购买进口商品的跨境电商扩大税收优惠政策。跨境进口优惠政策适用范围扩大至37个城市,单次交易免税限额提高到5000元。日本等海外企业有望扩大商机。
I believe Geoff is the single most important figure in the field of Artificial Intelligence today. His contributions to academia and industry are equally outstanding. He is not only a brilliant and inspirational scholar, but also an inquisitive, generous, persistent, decent, and principled gentleman, who is a role model for any aspiring young computer scientist. His work went well beyond neural networks and machine learning, and has greatly impacted computer vision, speech and signal processing, statistics, cognitive science, and neural science. I cannot think of anyone else more deserving of the Turing Award, and urge the committee to select Geoff as the recipient this year.
From 1985 to 2015, the amount of data and computation increased tremendously. For example, my 1988 Ph.D. thesis used the largest speech database at the time, which was only 100 MB. Today, the best speech recognition systems are trained on 100 TB of data – a million-fold increase. And with that much increase in data size, Geoff's approach (later re-branded deep learning) finally shined, as it could increase the number of layers from one to thousands, and deep learning systems continued to improve as the data size and the complexity of the model increased.